Thursday, October 31, 2013

Punpkin Pudding Tart

This is punpkin pudding tart.
This cake is new product and season limitation. Only in this autumn!
It is 450(472)yen.

Punpkin pudding tart is made of
punpkin cream, orange, chocolate,
((inside→))fresh cream, pudding, tart, and chocolate.

↑ inside :)
This cake really tastes punpkin. If you like punpkin, you would love it!
And this is not so sugary. I recommened!

Très Très Très Bon!

This cake's name is Très Très Très Bon!  
This is French. The meaning is "very very very nice!"
It is 14cm and 3000(3150)yen.

Très Très Très Bon! is made of
chocolate(flower), fresh cream, strawberry, blue berry, raspberry,
((inside))→vanilla cream, fresh cream, strawberry cream, strawberry puree, and  macaron(lemon).

↑ inside :)
I love strawbbery. So i love it!
I recommend that you buy this cake for some's BD.
It would be Très Très Très Bon!  haha